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Meat Processing



Safe and reliable linking of all types
of the casing. Whether it be manual,
automated with casing holding device, or fully automatic with voider technique in the AL system. Portions accurate to the gram and equal lengths are guaranteed!


Maximum productivity thanks to
optimum vacuum filler and clipper
synchronization. Perfection in
process at REX. Because
intelligent control technology coupled
with the latest machine technology
achieve excellent results.

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Formed sausage and meat products
are in demand. Classics such as
burgers and dumplings but also
trend products such as finger food
and snack portions. We provides countless options for product forming and design. Well-formed and with accurate weights!


Whether it be fluid, pasty or chunky.
REX makes flexible and exact
dosing of different products into a
variety of containers possible. From
the manually operable solution to the
the fully automatic overall system with
an interface to packaging.

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